Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day

Today Carmen and Max started a new school.  It makes me feel better knowing that they are there together.  They are going three days a week vs. two which means mom gets an entire day to herself.  I hardly knew what to do--a quiet house, the ability to run errands without worrying about snacks, telling the kids to sit facing forward in the cart or reminding them for the 100th time not to grab for things. 
I got the two of them off this morning.  Maxy was screaming his head off when it was his turn to go to his new classroom.  Carmen on the other hand gave me a hug and kiss, started playing at the train table, said goodbye and waved.  It was that easy.  Boy, does she surprise me.  Daddy picked the kids up and they both got a gold star report card for the day.  Max apparently was a trooper, stopped fussing fairly quickly, and even slept on his mat for nap time for more than two hours.  Who is this kid?!  I was convinced there was no way he would ever sleep on a mat.  Again, more surprises.  Good ones.
They both had a great day and are looking forward to day #2!

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