Sunday, December 20, 2015


Five today.  An entire handful.  Unbelievable. 
You continue to amaze us, test us and surprise us at every turn.
Still shy at times, unsure but at other times you have all of the confidence in the world.
You are still stubborn, like things your way, and know exactly what you want.
There is little room for negotiation with you.  Our steadfast little girl.
You have a silly side.  Love to dance and sing and make up stories and songs.
You are an artist through and through.  Coloring, drawing, painting, creating.
Gluing is your favorite.  No scrap of paper, cardboard box or wrapper is safe.
You glue and construct all of the time!
We have to hide the recycle from you.
You blow us away with your creativity.  Your wheels are turning at all times.
You love to write and are beginning to read.  Certainly big girl stuff.
You are kind and loving to your brother (most of the time) and if you get something you always make sure to ask 'where's Max's'--you look out for your brother.  Keep it up.
You are sweet and rough and tumble. 
You have your own sense of style.
You can't get enough of 'house shows'--you like watching HGTV!
You love the Incredible Hulk along with all things purple, pink and sparkly white.
You love to build and will play with legos for long periods of times. 
Constructing and reconstructing.
We are in awe at the girl you are and the girl you are becoming.
You make us laugh, can make us frustrated, but always fill our hearts with joy.
Thank you for being ours.  There is no one else like you.
Can't wait to see how you take the world by storm.
5 years down and a lifetime to go.
Happy 5th birthday to our Carmen James.


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