Monday, December 21, 2015

Celebrating 5

To celebrate Carmen turning five, we had a snowflake party, a party on ice.  Friends and parents strapped on skates and took to the ice for some skating.  It only took a little warming up and then everyone got their bearings and their balance.  It was fun to be surrounded by so many friends.  Thanks to everyone for making Carmen's 5th birthday one to remember.

Getting the right-fitting skates.
Fun on ice with a little help.
Hand-holding was key to staying up-right.

Getting the hang of it. Then, he was off!
Mother-daughter duo.
The buddy system.
In the zone...naturals!
Pro in the making.
Family fun.
What would a snowflake party be without snowflakes?!
Best buds.
Hooray for Grandma & Papa 'Son' being here from AZ to celebrate.

 A break from skating.

Happy birthday snowflake style.
Making a wish.  Here's hoping it comes true!
Amazing, generous friends--thank you!

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