Wednesday, April 1, 2015


We spent just shy of the last two weeks in sunny Arizona.  Our annual trip. 
Our time to spend time with Grandma and Papa, go swimming, ride in the golf cart, pick grapefruit, oranges and lemons from the trees, visit the Wild Animal Park, including lunch with the sharks,
read and relax in the sun, embrace 4:00 cocktail hour, splash in the small pool, play in the tent,
color, do art projects, eat lots of ice cream treats and watch lots and lots of movies, golf, hear coyotes,
watch lizards scurry across the patio, go to the park, do a little shopping, gaze at the stars.
This year there were also frequent trips to the grocery store for pedialyte, a thermometer and lots of loads of laundry.  A little bug went around--Maxy first, then Carmen, then Mommy. 
We are all now on the mend, thankfully. 
Vacations are always an adventure!
We look forward to many, many more adventures. 
And, seeing Grandma and Papa very soon at our house!
We love you; thank you for a wonderful time.

And now, photo overload...



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