Thursday, March 19, 2015


Today you are 2 and a half.  You are closer to 3 than you are to 2. 
Not sure how I feel about that. 
I can tell you however how I feel about you. 
What a joy you are. 
Your smile, your laugh, your blonde little head. 
The way you are head-strong, confident and matter-of-fact.
Your funny faces, funny words and expressions.
You are articulate, talkative and know what you want.
You are oh so funny. 
You listen when you want to, tune us out when you don't.
You love to snuggle, cuddle and give hugs and kisses.
You are a lover.
You adore your sister and follow her everywhere.
You love all things soccer, football, basketball and baseball.
You also love high-heeled shoes, dress-up and being silly.
You love to snack. We find you in the snack cupboard all of the time.
You like stories, your lovies and your blanket.
You inspire us to be better parents and have patience.
You test boundaries and our limits.
You are growing into an amazing big boy right before our eyes.
A boy we love oh so much.
Life would not be the same without you.
Thank you Maxy for being you.

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