Friday, September 19, 2014


You are two today.  No longer are you our little baby boy. You do big boy things. You talk (a lot), run, explore, question, play.  You are always busy and rarely sit still.  You are on the move.  Always.  Full of life and full of energy.  You are a chatter box.  You use the word 'actually' all of the time. Question after question, observation after observation.  It doesn't stop.  You are enamored with what's around you and you want to know everything there is to know.  At daycare when we get your daily sheet, the adjectives 'busy' and 'chatty' are always circled. Every, single, day. 

You finally are in love with books.  It took you a long time to turn this corner and now you want to read, read, read. Your favorite right now is Go, Dog, Go. You often grab the book out of our hands and insist on doing it yourself.  Yes, you are independent (with a capital I).  You are head strong and determined.  "I do it MYSELF!" is the phrase of the day.  "I do it, I do it!"  We usually give in.  You are adamant that you get your way, but you are learning patience.  Ever so slightly.  You are passionate about just about everything. 

You are quite the little athlete. You can't get enough of soccer and golf or any ball for that matter.  You love to throw and hit and kick.  Sometime these actions are directed to a ball and sometimes to your sister.  You are learning.  You love to run, you rarely walk and then you bolt and start sprinting.  I've lost track of how many times I've had to bolt after you.  You apparently are eager to explore something new as not too much holds your attention. You love animals and the zoo. 
Your laugh lights up the world.  I can't get enough.  You crack up at the smallest, most random things.  It is priceless.  You have funny routines and things you like to do.  Like climbing up on the bathroom sink so you can put your feet in the water.  You like to make a mess.  It's universal.  Water out of the tub, crayons and markers on the wall, food in lots and lots of places around the house.  It keeps things interesting and certainly keeps us alert and on our toes.  You like to build and cook in your kitchen.  What you like even better is to cook in ours.  You constantly want to be held so you can help measure and stir.  Dinner time is a circus in our house. 
Life with you is nothing short of entertaining.  And we love that.  We love that you love us and want to be held and give us hugs.  I love how you say "Mommy, I hold you" which really means you want me to hold you. "Mommy, I need you!"  I will remind you of that years down the line.  We love that you love your sister, are thoughtful, creative and loud.  You certainly have personality.  You make us happy and make our lives complete.  You are our one and only Maxwell Jackson and we are so proud of you, so lucky you are ours. You have an amazing life ahead and we can't wait to see what comes next.
 A very happy 2nd birthday to our boy!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Happy birthday, Max! Wishing you a wonderfully wonderful birthday!