Thursday, March 6, 2014

First Hair Cut

Today Maxy had his very first hair cut.  Our little guy is growing up; he looks like such a big boy now.  Lets just say the cut went ok.  He refused to sit in the cute car and using the cape, forget about it.  He mostly sat on my lap for the cut, I stood with him for part of it, alternating between Jimmy and I.  But, what saved us was the snacks.  Surprise, surprise.  For the 10 minute haircut, Max consumed one squeezy pouch, a few bites of fruit leather, a bag of fruit snacks and 1/4 of a bag of Chex mix, the other 3/4 of the bag he dumped on the floor.  There weren't too many tears, just squirmy and he certainly wasn't jazzed about sitting still and having someone touch his golden locks.  The best part, after the cut was over he wanted nothing more than to sit in the car that he refused to even look at when we arrived.  He was happy by the end although all of us were covered with hair since he was adamant about not wearing the cape. 

Carmen on the other hand was a pro.  She sat in the car, put the cape on and watched Daddy's phone--an old episode of Tom & Jerry of all things. The only time she lifted her head up is when she got to choose her rubber band color for her braids and select her "sprinkle" color (a.k.a. sparkles).

We then went to the treat store for a reward and out to dinner to celebrate successfully making it through two haircuts at the same time!

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