Wednesday, March 19, 2014

1 & 1/2

Not sure how I feel about you being 1 & 1/2 already.  It just doesn't seem possible.  It's all happening a little too quickly. Our little Maxy is growing up and is changing from a baby into a big boy right before our eyes.  You run, you talk, you play.  You have personality and more energy than I compete with sometimes.  You snuggle, you give 'loves' and always want to be held, especially when we are making dinner.  You love to eat.  Mostly fruit for the longest time; you gobble up fruit of every variety but have recently been branching out.  I even watched with amazement as you willingly put a carrot and a piece of broccoli into your mouth.  I almost fell out of my chair.  "Not my boy" I said.  This is the first time you actually ate a vegetable unprovoked.  You are particular.  Much like your sister, you like things just so and are very fond of following routine.  Of course, that make me both proud and happy.  You are mastering the use of a fork and when we broke down and gave you a metal fork, you surprised us.  I was convinced you'd end up injuring yourself in some way.  You seem to be a bit accident prone.  Always running into something.  You often have a cut, scrape or bruise that I have no idea where it came from.  You often run to me saying 'owe, owe, owe' and hold out your finger so I can kiss it.  I wonder how long that will last--not too much longer I'm guessing but the fact that I can make is seem all better warms my heart.

You have blonde, blonde hair and recently had your first hair cut.  You look so much older.  Gone are the little curls at the back of your neck.  You have rosy cheeks and quite possibly the runniest nose in the whole wide world.  We've used an endless amount of Kleenex with you and only recently have you embraced getting your nose wiped.  It was always a battle before.  You must be coming more accepting because diaper changes are much less dramatic than they were just weeks ago.  You actually tolerate them now along with getting dressed.  It was a battle for a while and I would chase you around the house while you tried to hide.  You are fast.

You are still loud, loud, loud.  You snort when you run which is no doubt funny to watch and listen to.  There is no denying where you are at any given time.  No quiet playing with you.  When you're not banging objects together to make the loudest noise possible, you are cooking and mixing in the play kitchen. You are a big fan of the real kitchen too.  You want nothing more than to pull everything out of the drawers and drag the contents to all corners of the house--usually the measuring cups, the salad tongs and of course, all of the coffee travel mugs so you can take the lids on and off, on and off.  Carmen's golf clubs are your favorite along with balls of any kind.  You love to chase your sister around the house and are desperately trying to follow and do whatever she is up to.  It's so fun to see you two interacting and play together.  Of course, with that comes learning to share, which you are not a fan of yet. 

You are starting to talk more and more and I'm amazed at the words and pace at which you are learning.  To this day you will still not sit still enough for us to read you a book.  Maybe a page or two and that's it, you are onto something else.  I'm looking forward to holding you in my lap and at least making it through a book.  I know it will happen someday but for now you apparently have better things to do and places to be.  All of this running around tuckers you out because you are one great sleeper.  Something we can't help but love.  When it's bed time, you don't protest.  You grab your blankie, give your 'loves' and are usually zzzing away in minutes. 

You make us smile and laugh and bring so much joy to our family.  We love you Maxy more than you will ever know.  Thank you for being our little boy.  We are truly blessed to have you as our own.  A very happy 1 & 1/2 to our beautiful boy!

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