Sunday, November 25, 2012

Weekend Whirlwind

We had a great long holiday weekend but it went by in a blur.  Jimmy took a few days off from work and we tried to take advantage of our extra time together. We visited the Children's museum where Carmen loved driving the Metro bus and shopping in the mini grocery store, Jimmy slaved away in the kitchen and produced a delicious Thanksgiving meal, I did a little Black Friday shopping, we watched some football, Carmen had a playdate, I had a coffee date, we had good friends over for dinner, we started decorating for Christmas and got the Dicken's Village up, which is always a big job, and ended the weekend with a second Thanksgiving.  It was a whirlwind but fun-filled extended weekend that we were happy to spend together as a family.

Fill 'er up!

Making sure I have everything on my list.

Chef Carmen.
19 lb turkey, Jimmy's prize possession
besides his mustachace for Movember.

Turkey comatose.

Where's Carmen? 

Supporting team Purple & Gold.

ipad and icecream--the perfect combo.

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