Monday, November 19, 2012

Two months

Happy two months to you today, Maxy. It's funny but sometimes I can't fathom where two months have gone and other times it feels like you've been here a long, long time as you are now seamlessly integrated into our lives.  Life would certainly not be the same without you.  While we'd get a bit more sleep, there would certainly be something missing...the way you give a huge smile after you are done eating or when I sing to you, the joy Carmen gets out of being a big sister and helping bring your diapers, 'shirts' and wiping away your bubbles and, of course, decorating you with stickers, the way you snuggle up after a feeding, the way you get your rings stuck around your wrist and grunt to get them off when you are in your gym, the way you now love bath time and floating in the warm water. It's the little things you do that make this time so special--your gentle coos, your funny expressions and the way you fill our hearts with so much love. Happy two months to our little man! 

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