Thursday, January 6, 2011

Grandma is the best

Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.
~Author Unknown

It is with teary eyes and a heavy heart that we said goodbye to Grandma Stephenson this morning as she boarded a plane back to Arizona.  She stayed with us just shy of three weeks to help us transition little Carmen home.

The last few weeks have been such a learning experience and I have cherished every moment and feel so fortunate that my mom was here to be a part of it all.  She was such a tremendous help, more than she will ever realize or can begin to understand. I will miss her tremendously and Carmen will miss being held, rocked and read to by Grandma, who she loves so very dearly.

I just hope that one day I will be the mother to Carmen that my mom is to me.  I feel so blessed. Thank you.


1 comment:

Amy said...

Love those pics of your mom and baby Carmen! What sweet memories. I am so glad you had your mom home for that wonderful time, the best gift ever! Hugs!