Monday, January 3, 2011

2 Weeks

I thought week 1 went by fast, but week 2 has been even more of a blur.  Carmen amazes us more and more each day.  At week 2, this is what we know (or think we know) thus far:

  • She loves snuggling on your chest and nestles her head right underneath your neck
  • She doesn't like being nudie when she is getting her diaper or outfit changed and has a tendency to cry, cry, cry until she is nice and warm again
  • Did I mention she has a strong set of lungs.  She sleeps  like an angel during the day, but often night time is a different story...still learning the difference between day and night, but we're getting there.
  • She loves to be cuddled and rocked right after she is done eating and for being such a little lady, she makes lots of "after meal" noises
  • She has discovered her hands and constantly has them near her face and can wiggle those little hands out of the tightest swaddle
  • She is gaining weight and her cheeks are rounding out which makes them that much more kissable
  • She has the most beautiful eyes and I find myself so very happy when both eyes are open and I can gaze into them


Jenn said...

Such sweet sentiments! Baby Carmen is just figuring out her own little personality!

Hillary said...

Precious...your words and Carmen!