Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween 2023

 Another fun and festive Halloween in the books.
I always wonder how long the trick-or-treating will last.
Funny, this year Carmen was more into it than Max.
It was all about gore and blood for Carmen.
She really got into the Halloween spirit.

This year's costumes.
One bloody princess and one Rocky (Italian Stallion).
Carmen particularly enjoyed making her own blood 
and decorating her costume.
Creepy and grotesque = success

Play Visions Halloween party.
It never disappoints and this year was no different.

Costumes are required.
This is what we came up with (Rum & Coke)
except Jim looks like the Chiquita Banana...

Best boxing buddies.
Double the Rocky!

Good friends despite the knife to the throat...

Party games and lots of prizes.

Annual pumpkin carving.

Four creative kids hard at work.

A lucky smile turned into a bat!

Carmen has some technical difficulties.

Thankfully her final product turned out great;
with a few toothpicks to save the day.

Pumpkin perfection.

Oct 31
The starting group.

Carmen's besties.

Some of the boy group
(or at least the ones I could capture)

We attempted some Halloween touches.

Papa Murphy's version.

Carmen's version.

Some Pinterest inspo.

It was fun and exhausting all rolled into one.
Wouldn't change a thing!

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