Monday, June 13, 2022

Spring Sports Wrap-up

 Wow, Spring has flown by.
Part of the reason was all of the sports and activities.
I'm overjoyed the kids are interested in a variety of activities
 and it's certainly fun to watch them in their games and competitions
 but it's nice to have the schedule free up a little.

Carmen finished up her first season of volleyball.
She absolutely loved it and will be continuing on.
After much practice, her serve is really coming along
and she was an excellent returner.

Max completed a successful season of AAA baseball
and enjoyed playing shortstop and pitcher.
Doesn't hurt when best buddies are on your team
 and your dad is helping to coach.

Spring soccer for Carmen also wrapped up.
It was fun to be back with the Cheetahs again!
And, to have Dad as the coach.
She really got into helping make the sub arrangements
and liked to complain when she got subbed out.

Fun Run
Brookside kiddos along with other schools from the
district got to participate in a fun run.
They practiced running a mile several times leading up to the big event.
Carmen and her friends did great.
Proud of all the kiddos!

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