Sunday, September 19, 2021


 Nine years old today!
A very happy birthday to you Maxy.
You are growing up. 
No longer our little guy, but becoming a big kid.

You still are obsessed with soccer. 
It's rare there is not a ball at your foot.
It seems to be engrained in you; part of your DNA.
You thrive on the competitive nature of the sport and live for games. 
You talk about plays in excruciating detail. 
You are tough and resilient. 
It's a sight to see.

You are driven by activity.
There is rarely a moment you are not in motion.
Your body, and your mouth...!
You are a chatterbox. 
You like to make conversation, point out facts,
discuss pretty much anything and negotiate.
Can't wait to see where this 'skill' takes you in life.

Your sense of humor is on point.
You tell jokes, make 'funnies' and 
always have a quick comment.

Underneath your rough and tumble exterior you are still a softy.
You love everything snuggly, warm and cozy.
My heart melts when you still grab my hand 
after soccer practice as we walk to the car.
I know it won't last forever so I'm embracing every moment.

You are quite the culinary kid.
You love the kitchen, love to cook 
and love to make a mess.

You are confident and have become quite a leader.
You share opinions and observations.
and they are plentiful.

We love you oh so much 
and wish you a very happy nine years on this planet,
nine years of growth, exploration and enrichment to our lives.
We know you are destined for great things!

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