It's soccer season.
For both kids.
2 practices/week for Carmen.
3 for Max.
And then games for each.
It's not a stretch to say that soccer is dominating the schedule these days.
But, despite it being busy, it's well worth it.
For both kids.
2 practices/week for Carmen.
3 for Max.
And then games for each.
It's not a stretch to say that soccer is dominating the schedule these days.
But, despite it being busy, it's well worth it.
Jim is coaching Carmen's team -- the Cheetahs.
15 girls. No small feat.
They've been learning a lot and playing well.
15 girls. No small feat.
They've been learning a lot and playing well.
Max is going strong with Celtic.
They have some tough competition
as they are playing a year up in their division.
But, not surprisingly, they are holding their own.
In the mix with soccer, both kids are also
swimming 2 days/week.
They trade out their cleats and shin guards for suits and goggles.
They are at least staying active!