Friday, June 30, 2017

Swim Meets

Three swim meets down, four more to go.  Thus far the season is off to a great start.  Carmen is enjoying being on the team and has been a trooper at the swim meets.  She is gaining confidence and continues to improve. 

All 'capped' up and ready to swim.

The cutest 6-year-old relay.

All of the swimmers write their events on their arm.
Carmen is pretty exited about displaying her races.

Ready for backstroke.

 Each kiddo has a big buddy.
Carmen's buddy is amazing!
She writes her notes, gives her gifts
and is at every single one of her races cheering her on.
The power of a big buddy is pretty incredible.

 All set to swim in the 100 free relay.

Getting ready to dive.
As the season has progressed her diving has dramatically improved.
First is was more of a jump, now it's more of a dive.
Sometimes it's on the side, sometimes off the block.
She's working on it...

Can't wait to see what the rest of the season has instore!

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