Friday, June 30, 2017

Swim Meets

Three swim meets down, four more to go.  Thus far the season is off to a great start.  Carmen is enjoying being on the team and has been a trooper at the swim meets.  She is gaining confidence and continues to improve. 

All 'capped' up and ready to swim.

The cutest 6-year-old relay.

All of the swimmers write their events on their arm.
Carmen is pretty exited about displaying her races.

Ready for backstroke.

 Each kiddo has a big buddy.
Carmen's buddy is amazing!
She writes her notes, gives her gifts
and is at every single one of her races cheering her on.
The power of a big buddy is pretty incredible.

 All set to swim in the 100 free relay.

Getting ready to dive.
As the season has progressed her diving has dramatically improved.
First is was more of a jump, now it's more of a dive.
Sometimes it's on the side, sometimes off the block.
She's working on it...

Can't wait to see what the rest of the season has instore!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


We have been so lucky to have family visiting.  Auntie Tasha, Uncle Dan and Cousin Zane are back for the summer.  Hooray for catching up over good meals, long walks, having evening jam sessions with Auntie on the ukulele, Max on the drums and Carmen on the piano.  The kids have been over the moon to play with Zane--water balloon toss, countless backyard soccer games and wrestling.  Uncle Dan has been teaching the kids how to play chess and they also got a checker lesson.  We are enjoying every minute.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Last Day of School

Yesterday for Max.

Today for Carmen.

Hooray!  Let summer vacation fun begin!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Hello summer.  We are happy you officially here.  Only 1.5 more days of school until we get to enjoy you in full.  We are looking forward to lots and lots of swimming which equals bathing suits, goggles and flip flops.  We welcome as many cold treats as we can handle--otter pops, ice cream and all yummy frozen things.  We are anxious for sprinkler running, longer bike rides, exploring the backyard for new insects and creating habitats.  We can't wait for staying up late and sleeping in, camping in the back yard and having sleepovers with friends. 

Hooray for summer!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Flower World

A quick trip to Flower World today to get veggies for the garden.  Peppers, beans, tomatoes and lettuce.  Yum! 

Sports Wrap Up

There is do denying Max loves sports. He is into athletics big time.  He seems to enjoy sports of all kinds.  Most recently he wrapped up a session of indoor soccer, T-ball and swim lessons.  He learned teamwork, patience, persistence and the importance of practice along with how to be a gracious winner and non-winner.

Cheers to our little athlete!


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A celebrity, well sort of...

We have an annual pass to the zoo, so receive their quarterly magazine.  I was flipping through the pages, taking a look at the camps and activities and saw a familiar face. Max is checking out the penguins in the middle picture.  I showed the kids and they were so excited.  Apparently Max is now a celebrity and may soon be on TV.  If you get your picture in a magazine, you are destined for TV (according to Carmen). Stay tuned...

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Daisy Troop Finale

Tonight was Carmen's last Daisy Troop of the school year.  She proudly received a certificate, several patches for her vest and was over the moon with her prizes from the cookie selling season.

She will miss the meetings, singing Penguin's Attention, and seeing her friends.
Just a couple month's break for the summer and then more Daisy Troop fun lined up for next year.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Nason Creek

Last weekend we went camping at Nason Creek. It was the first time the kids have been 'real' camping.  The only camping they've known so far has been in the backyard.  This time we had to drive, put up a tent on the hard ground, and cook with fire.  The real deal. We were with three other families so the kids had a blast running from campsite to campsite and exploring.

Car packed and ready.
It's amazing how much stuff we packed for two nights.

Good morning.
Starting off the day with hot chocolate.

Our crew of kids ready for a 2 mile hike.
We  saw beautiful scenery and got some good exercise in the process.

Carmen and her best buddy went horseback riding, which was a treat.  Carmen was brave and went all by herself.  Mom stayed back and watched as Carmen bravely took the entire trial ride.  Man, is she growing up.

We visited Lake Wenatchee State Park,
built a shelter of driftwood and played on the playground.

Of course, what camping trip is complete without s'mores?!
Lots and lots of s'mores.

It was a super fun weekend and it has given us the camping bug. Speaking of bugs, the (mosquitos) were out in full force and Carmen has lots and lots of itchy bumps to show for it.  Max however somehow managed to escape with just one.  Maybe he's not quite as sweet as Carmen...

We look forward to our next camping adventure!

Monday, June 5, 2017


With the warm weather, it's time to bring on the popsicles!