Saturday, September 19, 2015


Three today.  Excuse me.  Clock, reverse, please.
Time is marching forward and me refusing to accept it is not making it stop.
No longer a baby, a toddler, but a big boy (which you remind us of at every turn).
You have thoughts, ideas, bargaining skills. 
For you, its sports all the time. 
Soccer, basketball, baseball, football, volleyball, golf, Frisbee. 
You are not picky.  You love to kick, throw, hit, jump.
You are not short on 'boy' energy.
You are stubborn, tremble when you get very mad and can be loud, loud, loud.
You fuss with the best of them when you don't get your way.
You also have a soft side and love to cuddle and snuggle, put your head on my shoulder and hug.
Your laugh is infectious. And you can be so silly.
You're our little Yin and Yang.
You keep us on our toes, test our patience by constantly pushing the boundaries.
You make us better parents, make us smile and fill our hearts with love.
We are so proud of you Maxy and the big kid you are becoming.
Happy 3rd Birthday to our dear, sweet boy. 


BakuBound said...

Happy Birthday Dear Max. Sending you love and goodness
on this day and every day:)

BakuBound said...

Happy Birthday Dear Max. Sending you love and goodness
on this day and every day:)