Thursday, June 11, 2015

Owie = Urgent Care

Our first trip to Urgent Care was tonight.  To be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner with how active our little guy is these days. 

Scene:  Dinner is finished, popsicles consumed and bath time is complete.  Now, it's time for a  show.  Both kids are sitting on the couch.  Mom happens to be standing three feet behind the couch and sees Max stand, lose his balance and fall directly into the side of the very hard and unforgiving coffee table, with his forehead breaking the fall.  Screams, crying and a big gash.  Carmen, oblivious to it all (since she is watching her show), keeps telling Max to be quiet and stop yelling because she can't hear the TV...

Next thing we know we all pile into the car (kids in jammies) for a family trip to Urgent Care to ensure Maxy doesn't need stitches.  After a short wait, playing in the waiting area, and consuming a snack (because that's what you need when you have head trauma) it's our turn.  Carmen insists she wants to be by Max's side the entire time.  She is very excited to see the doctor.

Max gets looked at, gets his wound cleaned and the diagnosis is no stitches needed but instead the gash needs to be glued.  Carmen's eyes light up and she excitedly exclaims, "Max, you get glue, just like an art project!"  Yes, Carmen, his forehead is just like an art project...

Max is a trooper.  He doesn't cry, follows directions and is a star.  Best patient they had all day, so they tell us.  After a Nemo sticker and a band aid shaped like a crayon, he's all patched up and is all smiles now.  A quick trip to the Golden Arches for milkshakes helped round out the night. 

Never a dull moment around here! Here's to healing!

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