Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Beating the heat

Just a few things we've been doing to keep cool during these warm summer days...

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

US Open; Chambers Bay

4 & 1/2

Yes, today is the day.  The day which starts you becoming closer to 5 than 4.  While your life thus far has been full of milestones, for some reason 5 seems like a big one.  I still have 6 months until you are there, so I better enjoy what's left of 4.  And, there is so much to enjoy.

While you still remain headstrong, sassy and full of pointed opinions, you are continuing to come into your own which also involves compassion, problem-solving, gaining confidence, and being oh so creative.  You truly amaze us everyday.  I've stopped trying to divert you from some of your ideas and try and just let you run with them.  Like earlier this week when you insisted on painting every single Strawberry Shortcake figurine you have (which were mine 30 some years ago) because you just couldn't stand to see any white on them.  White is too bland, only color will do.  So, reluctantly I let you paint them with watercolors (secretly knowing that they have the potential to return to 'normal' eventually).

You absolutely love art.  Everything must be painted, colored, stickered, glued, written on.  There are lots of trips to Michaels, Hobby Lobby and Joann's in our future.  You love creating and making up stories.  You think things through and everything you create has meaning.  You also love to organize.  That of course makes me beam.  My own little organizer.  You spend countless hours arranging and re-arranging your hairclips, books, dolls and toys.  Your idea of organization and mine are currently a little miss-aligned, but I'm hoping that won't last long.

Besides art and organizing, you also collect. Oh my goodness do you love treasures.  A rock, shell, leaf, flower pedal, weed, stick, a wrapper, anything that can be recycled.  We often find you hunting in the recycle bin pulling out egg cartons, small cardboard boxes and god forbid any piece of art I happened to recycle from you or your brother.  'But Mom, I can decorate it and use this to (insert any random thought here).' You may just save the world by you enthusiasm for recycling or, just the opposite, you may become a hoarder...I'm hoping for the former. 

Whatever your path, it will be a great one.  We are so proud of you and know your life will be a fruitful one.  One full of adventure looking for treasures armed with lots of glue and watercolors.  We love you dear 4 & 1/2 year old.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Has anyone seen...

Carmen & Max?!

Oh wait; there they are. 
Gets me every time.  They are such terrific hiders.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Backyard Project

Over the last several months we've been hard at work on sprucing up our backyard.  When I say 'we' its really just been Jim (and the kids), many of our wonderful friends and family to help support much of the heavy lifting, and some outside help from the experts. I pretty much watched it all happen from the kitchen window.

There was lots of tearing out of old grass and shrubbery, a new sprinkler system and some privacy trees planted (can't wait for these babies to grow, grow, grow), a new shed to help keep things tidy, a fence repair, new grass that has been thoroughly cared for and nourished and the trimming of some rather large trees allowing in more light. 

We are ready to use the yard for more space to run around in. 
We are ready to play.
We are ready for summer. 
The end result
Getting there...


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Owie = Urgent Care

Our first trip to Urgent Care was tonight.  To be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner with how active our little guy is these days. 

Scene:  Dinner is finished, popsicles consumed and bath time is complete.  Now, it's time for a  show.  Both kids are sitting on the couch.  Mom happens to be standing three feet behind the couch and sees Max stand, lose his balance and fall directly into the side of the very hard and unforgiving coffee table, with his forehead breaking the fall.  Screams, crying and a big gash.  Carmen, oblivious to it all (since she is watching her show), keeps telling Max to be quiet and stop yelling because she can't hear the TV...

Next thing we know we all pile into the car (kids in jammies) for a family trip to Urgent Care to ensure Maxy doesn't need stitches.  After a short wait, playing in the waiting area, and consuming a snack (because that's what you need when you have head trauma) it's our turn.  Carmen insists she wants to be by Max's side the entire time.  She is very excited to see the doctor.

Max gets looked at, gets his wound cleaned and the diagnosis is no stitches needed but instead the gash needs to be glued.  Carmen's eyes light up and she excitedly exclaims, "Max, you get glue, just like an art project!"  Yes, Carmen, his forehead is just like an art project...

Max is a trooper.  He doesn't cry, follows directions and is a star.  Best patient they had all day, so they tell us.  After a Nemo sticker and a band aid shaped like a crayon, he's all patched up and is all smiles now.  A quick trip to the Golden Arches for milkshakes helped round out the night. 

Never a dull moment around here! Here's to healing!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Weekend Fun

We enjoyed a warm, sunny, fun-filled weekend.  It certainly feels like summer is here!

Friday: National Doughnut Day

Saturday: New fish for the pond

 Making the perfect selection

Best fishy face

Welcome home fishies

Sunday: Pool time

The first of many, many more pool days to come

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Today we visited cousin Katie at college, Western Washington University. 'Can we go to college now?' is all I heard for days.  Today was the day.  We saw Katie's dorm, went to lunch and had a lovely visit.  Yay for college; yay for cousin Katie!