Sunday, April 26, 2015

Horse Show

This weekend we got to see cousin Chloe ride her horse Sunkissed in a show at Bridal Trails.  The kids were in awe of the entire event. Chloe was a star. We all had a wonderful time and we are very proud of her.

Despite it being an English riding event,
Carmen was determined to show off her Western flare. 
She showed up in her pink cowboy hat, vest and matching boots. 
 Quite the fashion statement.
(Yes, that's also Lamby wrapped up in a winter hat)
Meeting Sunkissed

Some of cousin Chloe's biggest fans.

Chloe and Sunkissed in action.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Seahawks Fun Run

Fun run time, Seahawks style. 

 Getting ready for the big event.
Seahawks jerseys, check.

Runners ready.
Waiting patiently for the race to start.

There were lots and lots of 12's.
Even dogs were dressed for the occasion.

It was a quick 1/4 mile.
Carmen was a trooper and ran almost the entire way.
She was super excited to cross the finish line.
Max got to ride and check out the hoopla from his stroller. 
A blue ribbon for a job well done.
Post-race family pic.

The Seagals were a big hit.

However, Blitz was not a big hit.
Neither Carmen and especially Max were thrilled to see this Seahawk friend.

All tuckered out from the festivities.
One more post-race pic to show off their
official 'race' bibs and victory ribbons.

Friday, April 17, 2015

First BBQ of the Season

It felt like Summer this weekend and we took full advantage. 

The corn on the cob was a hit!

 Fruit, Yum!

Of course there was dessert.
Ice cream sundaes.
Sprinkles?  Yes, please!
And with full tummies, it was dress-up time.

We look forward to many, many more BBQs this season!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Darn Ducks

It's that time of year again.  The ducks are back.  They are frequent visitors of our pond.  We have the routine down pat.  They fly into our pond, Max eagerly throws on his shoes and bolts for the back door, grabs his rake and promptly shoos them out.  The ducks fly across the street, sit on the parking strip and wait a few minutes before starting the routine over.  Very entertaining for our two-year-old.  Needless to say, the pond is green and we are without any gold fish.  Sigh.

Here's a glimpse into the highlight of Max's day
(with a little help from sister and dad)


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Softball

Always fun to watch daddy play softball, cheer him on and run around with friends. 
Carmen is quite the cheerleader.
Max wants in on the action.  Can hardly stand it when daddy has to be on the field.
He's getting better, learning the game but so desperately wants to play.
They get their chance at the end of the game.  Running the bases and hitting a few balls.
Lots of tears from Max when it's time to go.  He can't get enough of baseball these days.
Future baseball star on our hands; perhaps!?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


We spent just shy of the last two weeks in sunny Arizona.  Our annual trip. 
Our time to spend time with Grandma and Papa, go swimming, ride in the golf cart, pick grapefruit, oranges and lemons from the trees, visit the Wild Animal Park, including lunch with the sharks,
read and relax in the sun, embrace 4:00 cocktail hour, splash in the small pool, play in the tent,
color, do art projects, eat lots of ice cream treats and watch lots and lots of movies, golf, hear coyotes,
watch lizards scurry across the patio, go to the park, do a little shopping, gaze at the stars.
This year there were also frequent trips to the grocery store for pedialyte, a thermometer and lots of loads of laundry.  A little bug went around--Maxy first, then Carmen, then Mommy. 
We are all now on the mend, thankfully. 
Vacations are always an adventure!
We look forward to many, many more adventures. 
And, seeing Grandma and Papa very soon at our house!
We love you; thank you for a wonderful time.

And now, photo overload...