Friday, April 11, 2014


We are back from two wonderful weeks of vacation in the Arizona sunshine.  We did so many fun things and were blessed with great weather and even better company with Grandma and Papa Son.  The trip taught us all some important life lessons and how lucky we are to have each other. 

Here are some magical memories made during our vacation. 

Meal times are favorite times spent together.
One of Max's favorite toys.  The normal fly swatter would not do. 
Grandma insisted he must have the giant swatter.
 And the golf winners are...
That's three years in a row!

A three-year-old in heaven.  She got to meet Olaf!
 Rocks, rocks and more rocks.  A little one-year-old boy in heaven!

 Grapefruit and oranges fresh from the yard.
One of many sweet treats.

 Making Daddy and Grandpa proud.

 We love Grandma and Papa.

Feeding the ducks and 'friendly' Geese!

 Yet another ride in the cart. 

 Some Arizona wildlife.

All tuckered out from a fun trip.

While we are vacation, our blog took a vacation too.  We are now back in routine and so is the blog.

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