Saturday, January 25, 2014


Carmen had her first daddy-daughter soccer class today.  Daddy was certainly excited to have something so near and dear to his heart to do with his daughter.  It remains to be seen if we'll have a soccer girl on our hands.  The first class went fairly well; Carmen was particularly excited about her new shin guards (not actually a requirement for the class, but they looked pretty darn cute on her little skinny legs).  Max and I got to watch from the sidelines.  I held my breath as I watched since her track record for organized activities is not stellar.  (harken back to 'dance' class where she was more adamant about not participating than actually joining in the organized part).  Today she did great.  She listened, she ran (with her tongue out), and even dribbled the ball.  Today she was not the kid who was crying and had to leave.  Today she was not the kid who wandering off interested in something else besides the class.  Today, however, she was the ONLY kid who decided not to kick a goal at the end of class.  Something to work on for next week I suppose.  All and all, a successful first soccer class.


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