Friday, December 20, 2013


Today my Carmen James you are three.  Unbelievable. 

There is no doubt you are growing into your own.  You continue to amaze us on so many levels.

You have a strong personality and know exactly what you want when you want it. 

You continue to love purple—you want to wear it every day and you often remind those around you that purple is your favorite color.  As if they didn’t know—purple hat, purple coat, purple shirt and purple shoes.

Your favorite pal Lamby is still with you at all times.  Honestly, this little thing is as flat as a pancake and almost black now but you don’t seem to notice.  She is well traveled and certainly well loved.

Besides Lamby, you are also in love with your little brother.  While the two of you have your moments (and there will be many more to come) you adore him.  You want to hold his hand, give him things to play with, you always give him a hug and kiss goodnight and make sure he is included in everything that you do.  You also are not shy about telling him to stop fussing and trying to calm him down.

You have a stellar memory and great attention to detail.  A girl after my own heart.  You like to take all of your animals and dolls and line them up in a row, put them all down for bed, covered up, put them away and then do it all over again, again and again. 

You still like Doc McStuffins and talk about wanting to be a doctor when you grow up but your new favorite show is Handy Manny.  Thank you Disney Junior. You can’t get enough of the tools he carries around and you have come up with your own tool box to cart around your possessions.  You still like to transfer your things from Point A to Point B.  Up and down the stairs and often in the car—‘Mom, can we bring it?” I’ve found it’s easier to comply rather than put up a fight. 

While you always get a good report from school—you are quiet, behave and listen—I swear your three-year-old ears are broken when at home.  You have the uncanny ability to tune me out.

There are moments I think I may lose my mind.  You are opinionated and have sass and are not afraid to let your opinion be known.  You are not a big fan of waking up in the morning and often roll back over, put your head under the covers and demand that you are not getting up for 5 more minutes.  You also protest getting dressed and insist on staying in jammies for 5 more minutes.   You don’t like to be told ‘no’ but you like to say ‘no.’  When I want to rip my hair out with frustration I quickly remember that we are cut from the same cloth—you, in essence, are me.  When I get upset with the way you respond, I can’t help but laugh after the moment has passed because we are so similar.   In that case, what’s not to love.

While we have our rough patches and run-ins, we also share some incredible moments.  You run and jump up in my arms when I pick you up at school, we read a story every night before bed and you like to snuggle. The way you still call me mama melts my heart. Moments I certainly cherish.

You love peanut butter sandwiches (no jelly) in the shape of a star, please.  Regular bread is just too, well,regular, for you.  You are on a squeezy yogurt kick and would eat them day and night if we let you.  In fact, you are on a breakfast kick.  You usually ask for a bowl of cereal every night before bed time.  I'm not sure if you are really hungry or if it’s just part of your procrastination routine.  I swear it takes you a good 20 minutes to go from downstairs to upstairs when it’s time for bed.  “But Mom, I just have to…”  There is stalling when we brush your teeth, go potty, get a drink of both water and milk.  There is always just one more thing you must do. 

Oh, but life would be so very boring without you.  You make us laugh, make us proud, keep us entertained, makes us think and certainly keep us on our toes. 

A very happy 3rd birthday to our little girl who is growing up way too quickly.  We love you more than you will ever know.  Happy birthday to you, Carmen James.  The light of our lives.

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