At 10 months you...
-Are a mischief maker and are into everything even more than before
(if that's even possible).
-Like to play with anything that is not actually a toy. However, your favorite toys are ones you really shouldn't be playing with anyway--like the knife from Carmen's food set, the rather blunt plastic stick or mallet from Carmen's xylophone, the remote control, and the list goes on.
-Are no longer fooled by the bait and switch and cry, cry, cry when something is taken away.
-Really enjoy pulling your sister's hair and taking anything of hers that you can get your hands on. Sometime there isn't much left as she likes to hide her possessions and often climbs on chairs to put things up high so you don't get them. She'll come around and start sharing again sooner or later.
-Have the most fluffy, blonde, soft hair that stands on end; I get at least one comment a day from a complete stranger about how it sticks straight up.
-Sleeping through the night consistently (Hooray!)
-Refuse to take a bottle or drink from a sippy cup.
-Make an "O" sound and shape with your mouth when you are happy.
-Love to crawl in the grass (and sometimes eat it).
-Are obsessed with the toilet and are always trying to stick your hand in to play in the water.
-Hate wearing your sun hat.
-Hardly ever where pants and definitely no shoes or socks
(I'm a little nervous for the Fall and Winter).
-Like to sit in front of the food cupboard and unearth what you can get your hands on.
Earlier this week you tried to carry a bottle of salad dressing up the stairs.
-Will not sit still long enough for a book to be read to you. I think you truly believe the sole purpose of a book is to slam it shut and throw it on the floor to see what kind of noise it will make.
-Enjoy taking food from your high chair tray and throwing it on the floor to see how many times I will pick it up. Not such a fun game for mom.
-Love fruit: bananas, watermelon, pears, kiwi, cherries, melon, apples, plums
-Not so into anything in the pea or bean family, cheese or yogurt
-Still have the best laugh and cutest smile.
-Will always be my Maxy.
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