Wednesday, June 19, 2013

9 Months

9 months today, Maxy. Unbelievable. 9 months of growing, learning, exploring and enriching our lives.  At 9 months you are all boy.  You have the ability to find and zero in on any two things you can bang together to make noise.  You are not interested in your toys; you opt for the items you shouldn't have, seek them out and then bang the heck out of them.  You are funny.  When you are into something that you shouldn't be (which is usually the case) and I say "Maxyyy?"--you jump, look up quickly and then try and scurry if I don't see you.  This usually happens when you are yet again in the shoe basket or unearthing every item from the diaper bag one by one.

At 9 months you are determined as ever.  You have decided you don't want me to sit for one second.  Gone are the days I can sit you down with a distraction.  You are now pulling yourself up to standing on anything you can get your hands on, you are climbing the stairs (two flights in the blink of an eye) and you have even figured out how to shimmy out of the saucer.  Nothing contains you, not even your car seat.  You are not a big fan of it these days. 

You are however a big fan of eating.  And boy do you let us know when you are ready to eat.  Holler, holler.  Apparently you need lots of food to put your 8 teeth to use. To keep you occupied while we whip up your meal, we give you puffs and Cheerios.  You cram them into your mouth by the fist full.  Your tray or your snack cup is always empty and I find myself being impressed that you were able to gobble up all the snacks.  Then, when we lift you up, ah, there they all are. You are sitting on them or they are stuck to your clothes or on the floor.  Good thing your sister has attention to detail.  She will gladly clean up your mess by putting your extras in her tummy.

At the old age of 9 months, you are a charmer.  You are a ladies man for sure and oh how you smile.  Your grin makes me melt.  You smile the absolute most when you are near water.  You practically jump out of our arms when it is bath time.  You can't get enough.  I'm tempted to throw you in the bath every time you are fussy since it makes you so happy. 

You are starting to do so many wonderful, fun things.  Like saying 'mmm' and 'dada'.  Not 'mama' yet but I know you are saving the best for last.  You also love to clap and you are so proud of yourself when you do.  And we are proud of you too, Maxwell.  A bright spot in our lives for sure.  Happy 9 months to our baby boy!

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