Time is certainly not slowing down, in fact, it seems to be going faster and faster. Just two weeks ago you would roll onto your tummy and fuss, fuss, fuss. Fast forward to now and you are on the move--inching, scooting and almost crawling. You are efficient in your movement and so very determined. When you see something you want, you beeline right for it; usually one of your sister's prized possessions. You are quickly learning that she is great at sharing some things and not so great at sharing others. You continue to smile at Carmen and still light up when you see her. The two of you are interacting so much more and even 'playing' a little.
There is no doubt that you are a healthy eater--you are getting so much better and we have yet to find something you don't like. Thus far banana is definitely your favorite. And thank goodness for Mum Mum crackers. We entertain you with these while we try and eat our dinner or when we are out running errands. You scarf them down in no time at all and I often feel like we are feeding an animal at the zoo. You get it everywhere and are full of crumbs from head to toe, but they make you oh so happy. You get so excited when you hear the package open.
You continue to talk, talk, talk and blow bubbles. You always wake up mad in the middle of the night but when you wake up in the morning and it's time to get up, you roll around, play and talk to yourself. Although I want to say good morning, I often wait and just listen to you. I wonder what you are thinking, something good I'm sure by the way you smile and coo.
You love to be outside and just watch the world go by. You are tracking things like a hawk and taking in every detail. You love being in the stroller and especially watching the big kids. You are enamored with their every move. You will be there all too quickly. For now, please continue to snuggle with me, outstretch your arms when you see me, let me kiss your head, tickle your toes and make funny faces to make you laugh. 7 months come and gone already dear Maxy. Thank you for being ours and making these last 7 months so amazing. Here's to you smiley boy!
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