Monday, December 3, 2012

Dentist, a Success!

Today Carmen had her first dentist appointment.  Needless to say, I was a bit nervous.  I was replaying in my head all of the possible scenarios about how it might go.  What if she doesn't cooperate?  What if she throws a tantrum? And on and on.  I even had the ipad in my purse in case there was an emergency situation. Turns out I was stressing for nothing.  Carmen was close to perfect at the appointment.  She was happy to play at the block table upon arriving, got to decorate an ornament, played with Thomas the Train, received a treat bag with her name on it containing a new toothbrush and mirror and got to pick out a 'prize' when the appointment was over.  She actually thought the dental mirror was the prize vs. the turtle squirting bath toy (shhhh, don't tell).  She opened her mouth when she was asked, got her teeth brushed by the hygienist with not so much as a protest or fuss (maybe because she was able to watch Dora the Explorer on the ceiling), got her teeth counted by the dentist and got her teeth painted with sparkles (a.k.a. fluoride).  The only fussing that took place is that she didn't want to leave.  Two thumbs up for Greenlake Kid's Dentistry!

Practicing her brushing techniques.

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