Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Two Weeks

Oh my, another week older already!  I love the time we have been spending together...snuggling with you on my chest right after you have eaten and watching you snooze peacefully in your bouncy seat are two of my new favorite past times.  You are so content.

I can tell that you are growing, growing as you are starting to fill out some of your outfits that you seemed to swim in only a week ago. Your hair is getting longer still and it often sticks up in the back or on top when your are picked up and it's starting to cover your ears. Your hands and feet are constantly in motion and you are kicking all of the time. You are a strong little guy and are always rolling onto your side and lifting up your head.  Your eyes are starting to be open more often as you check out the world around you.

Your sister can't get enough of you and always wants to hold you. You are so loved and we are so blessed that you are ours.

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