Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween is here

The Skurski household has been buzzing with Halloween festivities. Carmen has enjoyed decorating the windows with stickers and clings, baking cookies, making a trip to the pumpkin patch, carving Jack-o-Lanterns, eating treats, going to a costume parade and Fall Festival, shaking her pom poms and practicing saying "go, go, go."  She wasn't so sure about her costume at first but once it's on, she doesn't want to take it off. 

Here are a few pictures commemorating this year's Halloween festivities.

Baking Cookies: 
Carmen was very enthusiastic about rolling out the dough, playing with the flour and using the cookie cutters.  Funny, the novelty of these activities wore off in a few minutes compared to her enthusiasm for eating the sprinkles when it was time to decorate, which she ate one at a time out of a bowl.


The Farm:
We made another trip to The Farm this year to pick out the perfect pumpkins.  Carmen went right to work selecting her pumpkin from the sea of orange and also helped pick one out for Max.  She enjoyed looking at the animals but made a funny face when she discovered what an actual sheep looked like--not quite as cute and cuddly as Lamby.  She then got to see a Llama stick it's tongue out at her and was impressed with all of the roosters.  One trip down the slide at the playground and a quick turn 'driving' the tractor and she was ready to retire back to the car with her kettle corn treat.   Max was a trooper during the day's festivities and slept through the entire event.

Happy, Happy:
Dad and Carmen carved pumpkins or Happy, Happy's as Carmen calls them due their smiling faces.  She preferred to let Daddy do the dirty work and wasn't into getting her hands dirty and scooping out the guts...maybe next year.  She did want to help draw the face on (aka color on the pumpkin like it was a piece of paper) and was excited to see the pumpkin face light up once the project was complete.

Costume Fun:
Carmen got to strut her stuff in her Husky cheerleader uniform along with her friends as she attended a Halloween party.  Other notable costumes included an appearance by Captain America, an oh so adorable Love Bug and the cutest Raccoon you've ever seen.  Max dawned his best Husky outfit in support of his sister and proceeded to snooze through the fun, opening his eyes only a few times to check out his surroundings.

Fall Festival:
Carmen's daycare threw a Fall Festival where the kids dressed up in their costumes and practiced their trick-or-treating at the offices in the building.  She got good practice for the real event and was proudly caring her 'pumpkin purse' to collect all of her goodies.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today Carmen was lying down next to Max while he was in his gym and she stuck her finger in her mouth to wet it. She then proceeded to wipe her finger on Max's face.  I told her that it was probably better she not do that and she responded saying she was getting the 'dirt' off his face.  In this case, the 'dirt' was his eyebrows.  Thank goodness for Carmen and her ability to make me smile.

Friday, October 19, 2012

One month

You are one month old today and we are so enjoying getting to know you, little Maxwell, and figuring out your likes and dislikes.  Here a some things we have discovered about you thus far:

You like to eat. You have no shortage of appetite. You are growing quickly and your cheeks are getting fuller. Your hair is long and little curly, especially after a bath. Bath time is getting easier each time as you get used to the water. You like to snuggle. When napping, you prefer sleeping like a tree frog on our chest just like your sister use to do. You are noisy. A noisy eater. A noisy sleeper. You snore. You like to sleep with your hands above your head when in your crib. No swaddle for you. When awake, your hands and feet are constantly in motion. You like grabbing for your sister's arm when she sits next to you. You have a healthy set of lungs. You will not take a pacifier and to be comforted you like when we walk around with you on our shoulder. You like to move and not be stationary. You are expressive and when mad turn your big bottom lip up into the perfect frown; it's hard not to laugh even though you are clearly mad.  You stick your tongue out, a lot.  You have faint eyelashes and eyebrows and dark, dark hair.  You have a strong neck and are constantly lifting your head to look around at your surroundings. You are oh so lovable and kissable.  You have stolen our hearts. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Proud Mama

I am so proud of our little girl, who is not so little anymore.  Carmen continues to amaze me in the way she interacts with her new baby brother.  She is still gentle, she is still kind and she is still helpful.  She is a pro at grabbing diapers and wipes and will alert me when the baby has 'bubbles' (a.k.a. toss up) and then promptly brings over the burp cloth if it's not within arms reach.  When we are in the house and we go into a different room she reminds me that we need to bring the baby.  According to Carmen the baby can not be left alone.  I try and tell her that if he's sleeping it's ok to leave the room and let him sleep for a while.  She is not convinced.  She continues to give soft kisses on Max's head and gently rubs his cheeks and tries to decorate him with stickers.  She likes to sit next to him and just watch him watching her.  She has been nothing but patient when Max is fussy or crying and I can't get to what she needs right away.  She hasn't acted out one time.  While she has been an absolute delight with Max, of course she has her moments, she is almost two after all. There are the occasional tantrums because her milk is not in the proper color cup, there is protesting before naps and bed time and when Elmo-time is over, big crocodile tears sometimes for just no reason at all, but nothing negative toward Max.  We are so impressed and maybe it's because I didn't give her enough credit and was thinking the worst about how she might react to her brother. As usual, Carmen surprised us all and we are so thankful for her spunk and her loving nature.  While Lamby still continues to be number one, Maxwell is definitely becoming a close second!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Three Weeks

In these last three weeks we have fallen more in more in love with you little Maxy (if that's possible).  You continue to surprise us with your mellow nature. We are enjoying holding you, having you snuggle with you head underneath our chin and watching you search around the room with your deep blue/gray eyes.  You are getting more active too...grabbing the rings and animals on your gym, kicking your blanket off your legs when in your bouncy chair, and busting your hands out of your swaddle. Thus far you love the car and fall asleep immediately once the car is in motion.  Yay for that.  It makes running errands a breeze and you'll snooze for hours in your car seat and stroller. It amazes me how much you can sleep and how content you are.  While you have mastered the 3 to 4 hour nap during the day, your nighttime sleeping stints are less, usually 2 - 2 1/2 hours.  Although, some more food and a quick snuggle and you are usually back zzing away before too long.  You make the funniest noises and expressions and love to stick your tongue out. We look forward to figuring out your ever changing patterns and watching your personality develop.

For now, we are getting into routine and enjoying our new challenge of juggling two children.  So far so good and we are loving it!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

We Miss Grandma

Today we had to say goodbye to Grandma as she boarded a plane back home to Arizona.  It was very difficult for us to see her go as she has been an integral part of helping with baby Max and our transition from a family of three to a family of four. We feel so lucky she was able to spend 3 weeks with us and she was more helpful than she'll ever know. She did it all...took Carmen on adventures to play at The Beach, stroller rides to Third Place Books, got her special treats, helped change diapers for both Carmen and Max, rocked and held Max, did dishes, did laundry and oh so many other small things that made a huge difference. We are blessed to have such a wonderful support system and we all enjoyed the time we got to spend with Grandma. Grandma, we love you very much and you will be missed!

Husky Game Time!

A pre-game snack.

Go Huskies!  Carmen trying to prefect her fist pump.

Friday, October 5, 2012

October Picnic

With the beautiful weather we've been having we thought it was time for one more picnic.  Grandma, Carmen, Max and I spent a fun day at the park with a picnic lunch.  Carmen enjoyed climbing up the stairs and going down the slide over and over and over again.  Grandma kept busy by watching Carmen, pushing her on the swings and collecting treasures (yes, more rocks, sticks and even a pine cone). Max zzzzed through the entire day's festivities and was happy dozing in his stroller.  I enjoyed sitting for a few minutes with the warm sun on my face and was happy to finally be out of the house.  It was the perfect way to spend the day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Two Weeks

Oh my, another week older already!  I love the time we have been spending together...snuggling with you on my chest right after you have eaten and watching you snooze peacefully in your bouncy seat are two of my new favorite past times.  You are so content.

I can tell that you are growing, growing as you are starting to fill out some of your outfits that you seemed to swim in only a week ago. Your hair is getting longer still and it often sticks up in the back or on top when your are picked up and it's starting to cover your ears. Your hands and feet are constantly in motion and you are kicking all of the time. You are a strong little guy and are always rolling onto your side and lifting up your head.  Your eyes are starting to be open more often as you check out the world around you.

Your sister can't get enough of you and always wants to hold you. You are so loved and we are so blessed that you are ours.