Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cranky Carmen

Carmen has been a bit cranky these last couple of weeks, and for good reason. The poor thing has been fighting a cold that we have been passing back and forth and has 6 or so teeth coming in at the same time.  She is uncomfortable and is stubborn like her mommy and refuses to use a teether, frozen washcloth to chew on, popsicle to suck on, or any other remedy we can think of.  She just toughs out the pain (with a little baby Tylenol here and there).  Our healthy eater is taking a break and dining on yogurt and soup and refuses tooth brush time because of her sensitive gums.  She hasn't been sleeping and more often than not, we find a visitor in our bed who just wants to be comforted and held--it's hard to turn her away.  Our king-sized bed has never felt so small.  Despite the crankiness, she continues to let her little personality shine through.  We look forward to this phase being over when she has a mouth full of pearly whites to show for it all.

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