Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One Year

One year old. 365 days we have spent together but looking back, each day has gone so fast. A reminder to live in the moment and to appreciate each and every day.  Oh how our lives have changed but never have we been so happy.  You light up the room with your big, toothy grin and when you laugh out loud it warms my heart.  It’s my favorite sound.  You are learning and starting to understand the world around you.  You are inquisitive and thoughtful.  You concentrate and are determined.  You can climb a big flight of stairs in no time flat and then have no problem trying to come back down head-first.  You are fearless.  You love to grab objects one-by-one and load them into your arms until there is no room left and you can do this over and over again.  Getting dressed and having your diaper changed are activities much more tolerated than in the past and you even try and help sometimes.  However, when your coat goes on you know that it’s ‘car seat time.’  Historically, not your favorite.  Although, lately it’s been taking only one animal cracker instead of a handful to coerce you into your seat.  I must admit we have been parenting with snacks but sometimes you do what you have to do.  You still love to eat and are trying to master the use of a fork and spoon.  It’s a work in progress which involves you often times using the opposite end of the fork to squish the bean or pea on your tray.  You know the sign for ‘more’ and ‘all done’ and every time you hear the word ‘yay’ you enthusiastically clap your hands together. You love music and wave your hands around like you are conducting when you hear a tune.  You continue to pull yourself up to standing on anything in your path but no walking yet. I can wait, as those of you who know you well say you will be running before you learn to walk.  You are full of energy but you also love to snuggle.  You give the most wonderful hugs and kisses.  We continue to be in awe and fall in love with you more and more each day (if that’s possible). 
Happy Birthday to our Christmas Miracle.  Happy you.  Happy being one.  Happy everything.


Emily & Casey said...

Happy birthday Carmen!! You are growing into quite the beautiful young lady!

Hillary said...

Wishing sweet Carmen and very happy birthday!