Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 Months

Happy 10 months to our little Carmen James.  What a fun month its been.  You have entered the sponge stage and are absorbing so much and becoming so expressive and interactive.  You’ve uttered a few words now and I’m sad to report that ‘daddy’ came out before ‘mommy’ (sigh…) but I can live with that. 
You continue to be a girl on the go and are constantly in motion.  If you were a superhero your name would be Destructo girl--you have no fear, dive head-first with gusto into everything and love to make a mess.  When I pick you up from daycare, the teacher always has a funny story or anecdote about what you did that day.  You are nothing less than entertaining.  While you play well with others and are well mannered, you love food and will ‘steal’ from the big kids at lunch time.  You’ve been spotted taking bites of grilled cheese sandwich from your neighbor and have been guilty of swiping a banana off their plate as well.  It’s simply amazing how much you can eat and that there is nothing you won’t try.  I’m beginning to believe that you have two hollow legs. 
With all of the eating, you have energy to learn new things—you ‘ve started associating clapping with music, you give the best high-5’s and make the funniest noises when trying to mimic animal sounds.  My favorite is your interpretation of a rooster.  You love to point and we find ourselves walking around the room going from one object to another so you can investigate what you see and find so interesting.  You are intrigued by the salad spinner and give the biggest smile and laugh when you see it go ‘round and ‘round.  I love how the little things make you so happy.  
You still are not crawling on all 4’s even though you can, and you still revert back to the commando crawl.  You are pulling yourself up on everything and most people would agree that you will probably start running before you start walking.  Look out world.  All of this activity does make you sleepy and you still love to cuddle and suck your thumb when you are ready for a rest.  Your beloved Lamby is never more than an arm’s reach away at bedtime and the poor thing has turned from pristine white to a muddled gray in some spots.  Let’s just say that he is well loved.  And, you my dear Carmen are well loved too.  What a gift you are for us each and every day.  

1 comment:

Jenn said...
