Saturday, August 20, 2011

8 Months

I know we always say “where does the time go?” but this month I really felt like I blinked and it was gone.  Eight months already, I can’t believe it.  We count our blessings every day that you are in our lives. 
You continue to enchant us with your curiosity and the way you crane your neck to check out every little sound to be sure you are not missing out on anything.  This month you certainly continued to develop your personality (which is more in-line with daddy’s easygoing nature, phew) and my favorite new thing is the way you like to snuggle.  When you are the slightest bit sleepy, you will grab the corner of your blanket, grab your favorite friend, Lamby, stick your thumb in and cuddle up.  While you are the world’s best napper, you are not yet the world’s best sleeper.  I am still lucky enough to see you at least once, sometimes twice, during the night.  While I cherish our time together, seeing you a little less frequently at midnight and four AM may just be ok but I know these middle of the night meetings will not last forever. 
You certainly need a lot of rest because you are moving, moving, moving.  You now opt for the commando crawl opposed to the rolling you mastered last month.  While not on all 4’s yet, you can move the length of the room in no time flat and have the ability to zero in on any crumb, piece of lint or dirt that may be in your path.  I like to think you have great attention to detail.
You now like to feed yourself and we find it very entertaining when you try and cram a fist full of puffs into your mouth at once.  Most of them make it in, but there are always a few stragglers stuck to your palm. You continue to enjoy food; some of the green stuff makes you give a funny face, but you always come back for more. 
Your new ‘trick’ is playing peek-a-boo.  You love holding your blanket over your face and quickly pulling it down to reveal you are behind it.  Of course, we act surprised to see you there and we smile every time.  Your hair is getting longer and your old man patch has now grown in.  I love the way it's so fluffy and soft and sticks straight up after you've had a bath. You are a very happy little girl and always greet us with a big, toothy grin.  We look so forward to seeing that smile every chance we can get.  We love you more than you will know.

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