Wednesday, July 20, 2011

7 Months

This month has been full of new discoveries and you are starting to learn the relationships between things.  You often stare at your hands in amazement as you wave them around.  It's like you're saying, "hmmm...these are attached to me and I can make them move."  It's fun to see the little light bulbs going off.  You now put both arms up in the air when you want to be picked up or want out of your car seat.  While you still are not crawling forward, your rolling has become insanely efficient and I wonder if you will crawl at all since you can move with lightning speed.  You are exploring with sounds and like to stick your tongue out and blow bubbles and you crack us up when you are 'talking' to yourself.  You are fascinated with food and gobble up most any table food you are given and love watching as we move around the kitchen cooking dinner.  You continue to warm our hearts with your ear to ear smile and your two little 'rabbit' teeth.  What a wonderful, inquisitive creature you are.  Happy 7 months old to our baby girl.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Seven months sure have flown by! Fun times! :)