Monday, June 20, 2011

6 Months

Six half year already!  We can hardly believe it.  Every time we blink you are growing and learning something new.  We can say with confidence that you have mastered the art of rolling.  Now, when you see something you want to explore, you adjust your course and manage to maneuver your way to it.  While you are not crawling yet, you have figured out how to move backwards and 'scoot'.  You also turn yourself around in a circle and any moment you will discover how to move that little body forward on your hands and knees.  You have started to give hugs and we love when you wrap your arms around our neck.  When you're tired, you rest your head on our shoulder, find your thumb and nestle yourself under our neck.  Lately, this occurs right before bed time once we take you out of your crib because you have been fussing.  Bed time has not become 'fun' time.  You seem to fight sleep because you don't want to miss out on what's going on around you.  You are so very inquisitive. There is so much to explore in this world and it's so rewarding to see our happy little girl learning each day.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Happy 1/2 birthday to Carmen! Such a sweet little girl!