Friday, May 20, 2011

5 months

It's incredible to watch you learn each day; you are eagerly taking in the world around you and there is so much to see.  The simplest things excite and fascinate you: watching me brush my hair, watching us eat dinner, all of the different textures of so many different things.  You constantly run your hand up and down whatever you can touch: the wood on your changing table, the back of the couch, your play mat.  Your new favorite thing to do is roll, roll, roll.  Your favorite spot is under the coffee table where you'll stay for a bit to check things out from this hiding place.  We sit and watch you roll around the room and sometimes you run into obstacles but you always figure out a way to get around them.  You are so alert and so strong.  You are starting to hold your bottle by yourself and are developing quite the personality.  You certainly know what you want when you want it.  You recognize your name. Your smile lights up the room and oh how I love when you laugh.  You love music and your favorite song is the 'Mexican Hat Dance' (maybe because this is the only tune Mommy remembers how to hum).  Regardless, you smile every time.  So many wonderful discoveries this month and only more to uncover in the months to come.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Five months already! What a fun time of dicscovery for sweet Carment.