Sunday, February 20, 2011

2 months

8 weeks and counting--so hard to believe our baby girl is growing so much. 

  • She is now 9 lbs 15 oz
  • Much to mommy's dismay, Carmen has outgrown her cow, monkey and giraffe sleepers, mommy's favorites
  • Newborn size diapers are a bit too snug and she has graduated to big girl diapers (size 1)
  • Carmen can now roll from her front to her back
  • She has some new cues and rubs her right ear when she is sleepy
  • Bath time is actually enjoyable and she now loves the warm water
  • She is smiling more often and grinning bigger than ever before and she melts our hearts every time
While lots of things are changing, some things remain the same:
  • After meal time she still gives a big stretch with both hands over her head
  • She still loves to perch on your shoulder and rest her head on her hands
  • Sitting like a tree frog is still a favorite position and she will cling as long as you let her
She never ceases to amaze us and we can't wait for her next milestone; she certainly keeps us on our toes!

1 comment:

Dan Tasha Zane said...

Sounds like Carmen is doing Great! We are so happy for you two, to be able to share your life with a little one. Only twenty or thirty thousand diapers to go (Actually, I just made that up. I have no idea how many more, but just enjoy every soggy one of them!)