Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weekend in Victoria

Last weekend we were able to get away for a few days to Victoria for a mini vacation.  We took the Clipper, saw the sights, went to the spa, ate good Guinness pot-pie, walked the town in the beautiful weather and were able to relax.  Time went by much too quickly, but it was a good get-away weekend while it lasted.

A lovely welcome.
What a beautiful city.

Jimmy's first pedicure--can you tell a difference?
A trip to Butchart Gardens.
A definite must-see.  Otherwise known as the "flower zoo."
Lots and lots of beautiful flowers.
Every variety and color you can imagine.
Posing for a pic in the rose garden.
The famous Empress Hotel. 
No, we didn't have high tea, but enjoyed admiring the landmark.

Night Life.

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