Thursday, May 25, 2017

Swim Team

Carmen decided she was ready to join the Sheridan Beach swim team this year and swim practice kicked off this week.  She was excited but a little bit nervous.  Swimming for a long time (40 minutes) five days a week is a little daunting for our girl.  She's used to the swimming pool being for fun swimming, not the serious stuff.  But, she's doing it and is doing it well.  There were no tears and no pushback, yet.  She is swimming the whole length of the pool (mostly, with the occasional grabbing onto the lane line for a rest).  She insists that a swim cap will make her faster, so of course, that's on the list of things to do. 

In watching the collective group of 8 and unders swim, I'm continually amazed at what great swimmers they are.  Most of them know all 4 strokes and have good technique.  It's so fun to watch.  I'm excited to see how much Carmen progresses. In just four practices already, she's improved. 

Max is learning how to be a patient spectator.  Mostly he asks to play on our phones.  I keep telling him he needs to watch in case he decides he's ready to give swim team a try next year.

While the swimming is great exercise, it also is tuckering out our six year old.  She is tired after practice and this week, her tiredness got the best of her and turned into quite a tantrum.  After the drama died down, she recognized her behavior was wrong and wrote an apology.  Perhaps she was more concerned about earning back her play date and sleepover than actually recognizing how she behaved was inappropriate, but we'll take it.  This one is a the best guess spelling.  (translations: srreye = sorry, atitt = acted, ateing = acting)

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