Changing your diaper and getting you dressed is like an Olympic event. I feel I should earn a medal every time I complete the task. You squirm, you roll and do not like to stay still. I've literally caught you by your ankles as you've shimmied off the couch in the middle of a change. Good thing I have fast reflexes.
I've already acknowledged you are in to everything. You are commando crawling at the speed of light--you move both arms at the same time along with your legs and you shoot forward. You are fast. You are going from your tummy to sitting up straight and vice versa in no time at all. While you have not pulled yourself up to standing on your own quite yet, you are getting close...too close. You reach to the highest point you can get your hands on and try and stand. With the legs and thighs you have it won't be long now (I say that in the most loving way that only a mother of a child with monster thighs can). You are often not wearing pants as you prefer to have your legs free.
You are healthy. You and Carmen (who is almost two and half) have been wearing the same size diaper for more than a month now. You like to eat, except currently you have an aversion to anything green. No avocado and no peas for you. But, anything else you gobble up. Note: there is usually quite a bit of food left on your cheeks, chin, often times your forehead and on occasion, in your ear. You are not clean but luckily you love the bath.
You are all boy. You are not dainty, you are certainly not quiet, but you are my little love bug. You like to snuggle and are even more of a mommy's boy than before. That's still more than ok in my book. You are adventurous, inquisitive and interested in anything Carmen is doing. There is no doubt you love your sister. You smile at her and watch her every move. She is lucky to have you as her 'little' brother and you are lucky she is your big sister. You will no doubt learn a lot from eachother.
You LOVE shoes. You are obsessed. Regardless of where we put you down in the room, you always make your way over to the shoe basket and help yourself. You are especially fond of Carmen's rubber boots and chewing on the handles. I pretend I don't see you licking the bottom of the shoes you pull out when I haven't made it over fast enough to scoop you up or redirect your course. Just building up your immune system I guess.
You are sleeping well and sleep with your bottom in the air. You like to play in your crib and talk to yourself in the mornings. When I come and get you I'm always greeted with the biggest possible smile. A great way to start the day. I cherish these moments.
Happy eight wonderful months to my Maxy. Thank you for your energy, for keeping us on our toes and for being the bright, beautiful boy you are.
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