This mid-winter break we traveled to Loreto, Mexico.
A new place, new adventure with 17 Skurski's.
A week of fun, sun and relaxation.
A new place, new adventure with 17 Skurski's.
A week of fun, sun and relaxation.
The scenery was amazing.
Cactus covered mountains
coming out of the beautiful sea.
Blue skies with amazing clouds, crystal clear water.
We spent time exploring the surrounding area.
Beach combing.
A brief snorkle by the kids.
The views were beautiful.
The cousin crew.
The fam...all 17 of us.
Smoothies -- so many smoothies.
The kids tried all varieties and even
got to make their own.
We had lots of good meals.
Max was in heaven having tacos
Even for breakfast.
We got room service one morning,
We got room service one morning,
which was definitely a treat.
We played a family round of putt-putt.
Lots of laughs.
Uncle Dan and Jim played a legit round at a
TCP course with some of the best view around.
We celebrated this little lady's 12th Birthday.
We went whale watching.
Saw so many orcas, right next to the boat.
They were so playful and engaging.
What beautiful creatures.
The highlight was seeing this majestic
blue whale. Nature is truly amazing.
Carmen was in full effect.
This is the Isla del Carmen.
And a very well named boat.
We paid tribute to Papa Son.
Love you dad.
Thanks, Loreto, for a truly memorable time.
Until next time!