Sunday, January 29, 2023


It's basketball season!
Max is loving it.
Team Warriors is really working hard,
running plays and dominating games.
They are having fun and improving each week.
So fun to watch.

Note: this is the first time in his life
Max has made the back row. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Middle School Dance

 Carmen's Middle School had their first dance of the year.
I had no idea what to expect. 
Except that it made me feel old.
My daughter is growing up...sigh.

Carmen and her friends each picked out little black dresses.
There were pictures and texts back and forth about who was wearing what,
what shoes, what accessories. Ah, to be 12 again....

The girls had a fabulous time.
They had fun and danced, danced, danced!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Back at it

 Max wasted no time getting back into the soccer swing.
January is tournament time for the Celtic boys.

First up, Pac NW Winter Classic.
The boys were in-sync and easily won out their group stage 
and advanced to the semifinals where the competition was challenging.
They squeaked by and advanced in PKs.
It was nerve wracking to watch.
They played smart in the final and walked away with a victory!
(and another trophy and medal)...
Go Green!

Next up, Vegas Cup.
The boys spent the long weekend in Vegas playing some talented teams.
The competition was tough and they played tough.
They won out their group stage and advanced to the quarterfinals,
where they were ousted out of a close 0-1 game.

What a fun weekend for the boys.
They did a lot of eating (pizza, crepes and burgers),
stayed on the Strip and got to see and do some fun things.
It's a great group of kids and parents too.

All in all, a success for soccer and fun!

Go Celtic!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy 2023

 Happy New Year!
Ringing in 2023 with our tradition
of washing in money.
Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.