We just returned from our third annual camping trip to Lake Pearrygin.
A time we look forward to every year.
Who can beat fun in the sun, fishing, tubing, swimming,
grilling, game playing, bike riding, ice cream eating,
knee boarding, water skiing
and sharing a weekend with amazing friends!
Finally, arrival at our destination.
Kasen and Max were grilling.
Hot dogs, yes please!
Fishing is always a highlight.
Dads and kids take off for a few hours
and come home with several catches.
Then, fish are grilled and quickly consumed.
Hanging out on and in the water in the heat can't be beat.
No shortage of tubing and the kids both knee-boarded
and got up on skis for the first time.
A trip to town for ice cream to cool down.
Thank you Simpson's and Jay's
for another memorable time.
Until next year...