Today was the day. The culmination of the 8-week Girls on the Run program.
For the past 2 months, 2 times a week, the girls trained, learned about positive body image,
sang fun and silly songs, wrote in their journals, perfected stretches and practiced for their 5k.
There was also lots of goofing off, playing on the playground post-practice
and enjoying each other's company. Such a great group of girls.
The main event took place today at Horizon View Park.
10 laps around the park. Each girl had a running buddy for the 5K and I was Carmen's buddy.
Well, truth be told, she mostly ran with her friends and I ran with mine.
It was a perfect combo. It was fun to see the girls in action and achieve their goal.
Proud of this little lady who is quickly becoming not so little any more.
Girls on the Run is so much fun!