Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tooth #10

 In true Carmen fashion, she had a loose tooth for what seemed like forever!
It was wiggly for weeks and hanging on by a thread. 
If finally came out and all of us were overjoyed.
She left a note for the tooth fairy along with an egg filled with Easter candy.
Even the Tooth Fairy needs treats once in a while.

"Tooth fairy. I just lost my 10th tooth. 
I am so happy it was So wiggly for weeks. And I am also 10.
Here is a egg full of Easter candy. Enjoy! - Carmen S."

Monday, March 22, 2021


 Here is a Carmen creation.
It was done for her school auction project.
They were asked to choose a word and build it out of materials.
It turned out great. It definitely was made to inspire.

Saturday, March 20, 2021


 The kids stumbled across my classic version of Monopoly. 
We had the kid version a while back but they are now more than ready for the real deal. 
It was quite a game, one that spanned an entire week. 
Max was the clear victor, owning hotels on multiple properties
 (much to Carmen's dismay).
He cleaned up and took all of the money. He was quite pleased with himself.

Luna also enjoyed the game, sitting in the middle of the board when we weren't looking and napping in the box when we were.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sunday, March 14, 2021


This year, we did the St. Paddy's Day Dash 5k our own way. 
With it all being virtual, we created our own route and ran it our style. 

Official gear.

The running crew.

Runners ready...go!

Post race...we made it!

Our cheering squad.

The kid crew.

Beach adventure.

Taste the rainbow.
One of many St. Paddy's Day treats and surprises.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Happy Birthday

 Hi Dad,
Happy Birthday. Today we celebrate you.
We are eating one of your favorite meals, flank steak, and toasting to you.
We are also all enjoying apple pie for dessert. Another one of your favorites.
We miss you everyday. 
Thank you for filling our lives with love, humor and being a constant support.
You live on through us all.
Cheers to you!

Monday, March 8, 2021

Back to school...

 It's happening! Hybrid is here.
It's only 2.5 hours a day but we'll take it.
A chance for the kids to see their friends and their teachers.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Girl's Trip

 Carmen and I took advantage of school half-days and made a trip to AZ to visit Grandma.
We thoroughly enjoyed our girl time and the lovely sunshine. 
Such a special and memorable trip for us all.

We're off!

Traditions remain. 
Movie nights and ice cream sundaes.

Like mother,
like daughter.

After swimming snack.
No shortage of treats on this trip.

No trip is complete without a trip
to In-N-Out Burger. A favorite spot!

Golf cart driving.
The practice is paying off.

Musical theatre.
A fun outing with lots of singing and dancing.

An unexpected adventure.

I love Grandma!

A night time fire and star gazing.

The traditional turtle pics.

We will miss you amazing weather!

But, not as much as we'll miss Grandma!
We love, love, love you.
Thank you for everything!

Don't worry.
Boys were home doing fun things too.
Soccer games, birthday party, dinners out, video games.
It was a win, win.