Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween!

While things looked a little different this year, 
we still had a festive, fun time.

First, pumpkin carving.
Serious carvers with creative ideas.

Gut scooping.

Successful final products.

Halloween is not complete without 
some spooky and tasty treats.

colorful and creative.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Soccer, finally!

 I know it's been hard for all kiddos, 
but Max has really been missing soccer games. 
He's been 'social distance' practicing for months and he finally had his first game. 
The games was 'on' then called 'off' due to rising Covid numbers and then back 'on.'
Max was giddy. His team played well and Max played well too.
He was goalie to start and then scored a goal of his own.
Unfortunately games are on-hold for the time being
but everyone was happy, thankful and grateful 
to at least have a taste of what they'd been missing for so long.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Arizona in Review

 The time went way too fast, as always.
It was an amazing visit. 
Between on-line school, we had plenty of fun.
Sunshine, swimming, time with Grandma, closure with my Dad, 
Fish Fry Friday's, bike rides, movie nights and ice cream sundaes,
walks and observing Arizona wildlife. 
This time we saw lots of coyotes, had a rare roadrunner sighting 
and even caught a glimpse of a bobcat walk across the patio. 
We love Arizona, we love Grandma and we can't wait for our next visit.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Arizona: Sunshine & School

 We're back...
Enjoying sunshine, grandma's company and doing all things remote.

Masking up at the airport.

Online school from SeaTac.

Hello sunshine and palm trees, cactus and 100 degree weather.

Cozy quarters.

New bikes = early morning rides and exercise.

Cooling down in the pool.

Makeshift office (in the laundry room). 
It's all about being flexible.

Workspace #2. A perk of being the oldest!