Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween

So much fun and festivity surrounding this holiday.

Annual Halloween dinner and pumpkins
with our favorite carvers.

Treat and decoration preparations.


Fun at class parities.

 Costumes and trick-or-treating.

And of course, counting, organizing and eating the loot!

 Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Running Club

Carmen has been participating in running club.
The club meets once a week for practice 
(running games and activities, snack time and time with friends).
She was super enthusiastic to be a part of it.
The grand finale was to run a mile.
Yesterday, schools from all over the district came for the event.
It was fun to see all of the kids and runners giving it their all.
There were different events divided up by grades.
You could choose to run the 1/2 mile, full mile or both.
Carmen and her buddies opted for the full mile.
They fan fast and hard.
They had fun and all finished.
So proud of our little runner!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Living Things

Max has an amazing teacher and an amazing class.
They are doing super fun projects and learning so much.
Their classroom is certainly thriving.
Lots of living things to observe and care for.

Tanks with fish, snails, 
elodea (common waterweed) and cabomba (another aquatic plant).

 They each got to name their own fish.
Max chose Messi Jr.
His fish is blue.

 Smiling with his pill bugs and millipedes.

Happy to have a growing bean plant.

Friday, October 11, 2019

School Pictures

School pictures have arrived.
While putting in the new, I had to remove the old.
Crazy how time flies.
Max at 6 months (chubby and round).
Carmen at 4 years (such long hair).
Cute, cute, cute!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Early release Wednesday's are giving us lots of opportunities for play dates.
Boys and girls alike.

The girls.

 The boys.


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Homemade Granola

Carmen is in to baking.
She loves looking at recipes and is anxious to work in the kitchen.
(although the excitement for cleaning up the kitchen has eluded her so far).
She recently was interested in making granola all by herself.
She found the recipe, gathered the ingredients (I purchased a few more)
and then she was off and running.
The final product was a success and is eagerly being consumed!
Can't wait to see what's next on her list.