Thursday, August 31, 2017

Cheese Lake

Last weekend we went on a camping adventure.  An adventure because we didn't have a reservation and were keeping our fingers crossed we'd find a campsite. The stars aligned as we lucked out and landing an amazing spot on Lake Kachess (or Cheese Lake as Max coined it).

We spent two days and nights with great friends making fun memories.  We had a waterfront spot so spent lots of time at the lake exploring, swimming, finding sticks and playing Frisbee. We went for walks, admired the wildlife (chipmunks and black squirrels), Max learned how to skip a rock, Carmen build a trap (she was very proud of her invention), there was lot of bike riding, and of course lots of eating.  We played Uno, bean bag toss, soccer, had a dance party and enjoyed time with our friends.  Hooray for a successful camping adventure!


Monday, August 28, 2017

Soccer Camp

The kids headed to a 5-day soccer camp. 
It was something they could do together and at the same time (which means yeah for me). 
Max was way into it and was reunited with old coaches and familiar faces.
 Carmen was a trooper and tolerated it. 
They got to play with and against each other which was fun to watch. 
They both did great job.  
Good preparation for this coming year's season of soccer.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


We recently ventured to Bainbridge Island.  It's an outing we usually do in the Spring but we didn't get to it until now.  We had an open weekend day and to Bainbridge we went.

We did the waterfront trail walk.
Enjoyed hot chocolates and coffees.
Played at the park.  Including lots and lots of Frisbee.
Picked blackberries.
Explored the beach.
Walked around town.
Grabbed lunch.
Enjoyed the views and being together, just the four of us.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Sign Language

This summer Carmen participated in a research symposium.  The group consisted of kids ages 5 - 12 and each selected a topic of interest to research over the summer and then present via a presentation board at an open house.  Carmen chose sign language.  We went to the library, checked out resources, had multiple meetings with the symposium group,  read and researched and then created a final product.  It was a great learning experience for Carmen (and me too)!  It was amazing to see the creativity and interests of the other kids.  Topic covered everything from minerals to 'why do cats land on their feet?', Aztecs, ballet and dinosaurs.  Pretty impressive!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Garden Goodies

We've been enjoying our garden this summer. 
(when we remember to water it)
We've managed to grow lots of lettuce, peppers,
several varieties of tomatoes and a whole lot of green beans. 
Not quite a green thumb yet, but trying to work on it.
In the meantime, it's gratifying to grab things from the garden
and serve them on the table and have the kids
be excited about vegetables!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Two Wheels

Max decided he was ready for two wheels vs. four.
He is off...

Then, he decided he was ready to tackle the bars.
Quite the little monkey.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Off to Camp Sheridan

3.5 hours of sugar, swimming and beach club fun!
(mom and dad got a rare dinner out)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Whidbey Island

We had a family gathering in Whidbey Island last weekend. 
It was fun to see everyone, take the ferry and explore the beach. 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

More summer happenings...

Visit to the zoo
and the butterfly garden.

Watching pirates, clowns and
drill teams march in the Mountlake Terrace Parade.

Backyard camping shenanigans.

A swim lesson report card instructing
swim team for next year.

Max has been practicing wearing a cap;
he's ready!

Channeling her inner-pirate
(perhaps some inspiration from the parade).
Yes, this is what she wore to Costco.

While at Costco, Max insisted on this picture.

Swim team big-little-buddy party.
A great time with big kids and little kids alike.
Face-painting, trampoline jumping, snacks
and hanging out with friends.

 Enjoying backyard fun with family.
I think 16 hits without touching the ground was the record.

Trail ride.
Our kids are not huge bike fans.
For them, a little goes a long way.
This particular day we made it two miles!
A win for sure.
They were rewarded at the halfway point to play at the park
and reenact more America Ninja Warrior.

Four little monkeys.